Western Maryland Historic Library (WHILBR)


Jill Craig, Digitization Librarian
WMRL Office 155
Tele: 301-241-9287

Contact Jill with questions about:

Local history records
Material to be included on the website

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The Western Maryland Historic Library  www.whilbr.org and digital.whilbr.org provides primary source material covering some of the history of Allegany, Garrett and Washington Counties. The material has been provided to the website by the public, college and university libraries in the region, historical societies and individuals.  Materials to be found online are historic manuscripts and photographs from or about the region. No individual family histories are included. Western Maryland Regional Library is responsible for locating the items, dealing with all copyright and permission issues, scanning the items and then making the images, transcripts and metadata available on the website. WMRL has no collection of material itself, and makes available digital copies of local items as a service to the public.

As publicly supported institutions the library systems of Allegany, Garrett and Washington counties do not own the rights to material in their collections. Therefore, they do not charge permission fees for use of such material and cannot give or deny permission to publish or otherwise distribute material in their collections. However, some materials on this web site are privately owned and may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Transmission or reproduction of protected items beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Anyone intending to use these images must be aware that they may be subject to copyright fees and other legal restrictions imposed by parties outside of WHILBR and the public libraries of Western Maryland. The users of this web site are solely responsible for any storage, republication, adaptation, or transmission of these images in any form outside of this site. Usage of these images implies consent to these digital guidelines.

The nature of historical archival collections means that copyright or other information about restrictions may be difficult or even impossible to determine. Whenever possible, WHILBR provides information about copyright owners in the texts that accompany collections, and is eager to hear from any copyright owners who are not properly identified so that appropriate information may be provided in the future.

WHILBR is committed to the responsible and legal use of any content posted on its web site. Any questions regarding the legal nature of content on this site may be referred to whilbr@washcolibrary.org or to the contributing library, organization or individual.